Trainee in Communication and Marketing at NJF
Julkaistu 14.8.2024, Haku päättyy 16.9.2024 | Etätyön mahdollisuus: Kyllä
This is a newly created, entry level role for a creative and talented individual, who is keen to pursue a career in communication and see how a transnational organization works. The communications trainee will play support the delivery of the communications activities of NJF and support some marketing activities.
NJF was founded in 1918 and is thus the oldest Nordic (today Nordic-Baltic) association for collaboration in agricultural sciences between the Nordic countries. Its objective is to promote agricultural research in the Nordic-Baltic countries and to arrange conferences, which facilitate close contacts between scientists, advisors and end-users of knowledge.
The trainee will work closely work with NJF President and Secretary General, and will help in:
- improving NJF website and delivering content for communications channels including the website, social media and newsletter
- creating a LinkedIn page for NJF and animating it
- organizing events and conferences
- marketing NJF to new potential members
- supporting onsite and online events (mostly conferences)
Remuneration: 300 euro per month
ECTS: 15 ECTS (1 ECTS credit corresponds to 27 hours of work)
Supervision: Prof Jarkko Niemi, Dr Silvia Gaiani
Required skills:
- Very good knowledge of English
- Experience of working to deadlines.
- Previous experience of communications or administrative work.
- Experience of using and monitoring social media platforms.
- Experience of working in a team.
- Experience of supporting events
- Experience/knowledge of agricultural sciences is desirable but not essential
Skills to be gained from the internship:
- Increased knowledge of how international NGOs work
- Increased knowledge of topics connected to agricultural economics
- Increased network
- Acquired skills in communication
Työsuhteen laatu: Määräaikainen
Työsuhteen tyyppi: Osa-aikainen
Haku päättyy: 16.9.2024
Ilmoittajan verkkosivut:
Yhteystiedot: Jarkko Niemi, +358295326392,
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