Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK) is a multidisciplinary institution of higher education and an efficient actor in education and research, development and innovation (RDI) in the region of South Ostrobothnia in West Finland. Our goal is to be the best university for our students (Vision 2030). The comprehensive education offer in six fields of education, combined with high-quality research, development and innovation services, enables SeAMK to be effective regionally, nationally and internationally.
We currently have about 5,000 students, of which 10% are international degree students. We have approximately 400 employees. Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences is a limited liability company with the highest decision-making power in the Annual General Meeting and the Board of Directors. Dr. Jaakko Hallila (M.Sc.) is the current President & CEO of SeAMK.
Read more on what SeAMK has to offer!
SeAMK’s organisation 2024
Facts about SeAMK
- About 5000 students, of which 10 % international students
- 400 academic teaching and other staff members
- 22 bachelor degree programmes
- 14 master degree programmes
- 7 degree programmes totally taught in English
- Double degree agreements in 8 countries
- 10 exchange programmes
- 200 partner universities in more than 50 countries in Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Africa and Australia
- SeAMK was founded in 1992 through a merger of various institutes, each of which had a history of up to more than 100 years
Profile areas of SeAMK
In education and in research and development activities as well as in networks SeAMK has concentrated on the profile areas, which are:
- Food safety
- Intelligent industry
- Digitalisation in social and health care sector
- Growth entrepreneurship and business transfers
- Circular economy and sustainable development
These areas of expertise are being developed based on regional and international needs and our special strengths.
Fields of education
SeAMK provides education aiming at high-level professional qualification in the following fields:
International SeAMK
Internationalisation is a strategic aim of SeAMK. We have about 200 partner universities in 50 different countries all over the world. Active student and academic mobility, RDI projects and international conferences are a vital part of our international activities.
Research, development and innovation at SeAMK
The RDI (research, development and innovation) activities of SeAMK are focused on multidisciplinary core expertise areas, which are congruent with the strategic focal areas of the University Consortium of South Ostrobothnia. The aim of the RDI activities is to support business operations requiring high-level expertise. The volume of annual outside research financing is about 5 million euros. Every year, more than 90 people contribute to the RDI activities of SeAMK. All six fields of education at SeAMK have both educational activities and research, development and innovation (RDI) activities.
Quality and audits
Audited by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre
The Higher Education Evaluation Committee of the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) conducted an audit in November 2021. The University of Seinäjoki Applied Sciences passed the audit on 26 January 2022. The Quality Label is valid until 26 January 2028. The abstract of the audit is available here.
International Audit of the Internationalisation
International team (members from USA, Finland and Sweden) conducted an audit of the internationalisation efforts at SeAMK in 2011.
Audited by The Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council
The Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council (FINHEEC) audits the quality assurance systems of the Finnish higher education institutions (HEIs). The quality assurance system of SeAMK was audited in 2009 and in 2016.
Diploma Supplement Label
SeAMK was awarded Diploma Supplement Label in 2010 and in 2013 by the European Commission. The Commission awards DS Label to HEIs that demonstrate excellence in applying the Diploma Supplement. The DS Label is an honorary distinctions.
International ECTS Evaluation
The evaluation of the ECTS (European credit transferring and accumulation system) system of SeAMK was successful in 2007.
Recognition by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture
SeAMK was awarded the title of Center of Excellence in Regional Development in 2003 and Center of of Excellence in Internationalization in 1999, 2000 and 2002.
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