International Finland? - The Spring Forum for Higher Education International Affairs was organised at SeAMK on 15–17 May

The Spring Forum 2024 was held in beautiful spring weather here at the SeAMK Campus on 15–17 May 2024.
“International Finland?” was the theme of the Spring Forum 2024. After the Spring Forum, perhaps there is a little smaller question mark in the theme – at least in Finland there is a large number of active, enthusiastic and competent people in higher education institutions and other organisations working for a more and more international Finland.
Within the main theme of the Spring Forum, speakers looked at the present and future of international competence, the role of higher education institutions in attracting and retaining international talent, multi-dimensional forms of international mobility, strategic perspectives on internationalisation, and the global responsibility of higher education institutions.
It was a great pleasure that approx. 400 people took part in the Spring Forum. A huge thank you also to those who produced content and programme for the Spring Forum: We all were able to participate in so many interesting and fruitful networking meetings and sessions. Networking among international experts is a valuable asset for the years to come, as together we can promote international Finland.
The EDUFI news described Spring Forum as follows on their website: Spring Forum for Higher Education International Affairs in Seinäjoki addressed the current state and future outlook of internationalisation | Finnish National Agency for Education (
The organising teams – SeAMK International Education Services and the Spring Forum team of the Finnish National Agency for Education – would like to thank everyone who participated in one way or another in the Spring forum 2024!