A special Safety Week at SeAMK

category: About us
Esittelijöitä ja vierailijoita messuständillä./Presenters and visitors at the fair stand.

Safety and its maintenance play an important role at SeAMK, and that is why a theme week of safety was held at SeAMK on 18–22 March 2024. There have been events, lectures and information sessions related to the topic in different parts of the campus.

Students and staff could get to know the security of Kampustalo on a safety walk, and at the Organisation Point they could practice first aid skills and learn about the activities of the voluntary rescue service. It was possible to get a thorough information package about data protection and data security both in studies, at work and in free time. SeAMK’s fire safety issues were also reviewed. The promotion of well-being was also on display as part of safety in terms of physical, social and mental health.

Thanks to all participants!

Non-governmental organisations do significant security work in Finland

At SeAMK’s Organisation Point, the possibilities of organisation work were presented by (left) Janne Ritola from Voluntary Rescue Service Vapepa, Johanna Paul and Teija Matalamäki from Finnish Red Cross, Kaija Hauta-aho from South Ostrobothnia Respiratory Health Association and Juha Turpeinen from MIELI ry.

– Students may not have the opportunity to commit to voluntary activities for years to come. However, organisations also have a lot of short-term, project-type activities, Johanna Paul and Teija Matalamäki say.

Ihmisiä seisomassa esittelypisteillä./ People standing at fair stands.

Getting to know Kampustalo 

In connection with the safety walk in Kampustalo, the staff got to see, for example, the extinguishing equipment.

The walk was hosted by Janitor Juho Matalamäki and Coordinator, Library Services (Kampustalo security supervisor) Jarkko Meronen

Yksi henkilö esittelee sammutusvälineistöä, ja pari henkilöä katselee./ One person demonstrates the fire extinguishing equipment, and a couple of people watch.

The goal is a safe everyday life

SeAMK Safety Week’s programme also included safety and security related lectures. Information Security Designer & Data Protection Officer Jarmo Jaskari (pictured right) went through issues related to data security and data protection.

Property and Security Manager Asmo Myllyaho introduced those interested in fire safety issues. A few dozen students and employees of SeAMK participated in both lectures carried out in Teams.

– It is essential to realise that safety is built on everyday choices: do I click on a link in an email, do I regularly change the batteries in my fire alarm or what kind of content do I share on social media. We each make these choices every day, Jaskari and Myllyaho remind us.

Kaksi henkilöä nojaa käytävän kaiteeseen./ Two people are leaning on the railing of the corridor.

The promotion of well-being was made familiar

On the closing day of the Safety Week, the fair stands of the nursing students took over the lobby of Frami F. Among other things, CPR training (pictured), blood pressure measurement, neck massage, stress relief and music therapy were offered.

Group instructor Sinikka Vainionpää praised the enthusiasm of her students and hoped that the event would be organised also in the coming years.

The safety week was organised by Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences student union SAMO and Sodexo Oy.

Text and images: Mervi Lehtola