Outdoors Etelä-Pohjanmaa newsletter's privacy statement

Articles 13 and 14 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation

Data Protection Act (1050/2018)

Articles 13 and 14 of the Combined Data Subject Information Document (EU Data Protection Regulation 2016/679)

1. Controller

Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, SeAMK Library
Kampusranta 11, Frami F
FI-60320 Seinäjoki, Finland
+358 20 124 3000

2. Controller’s representative

2a. Official responsible for the personal data file

Sanna Jyllilä, Project Manager, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences

2b. Contact persons in matters relating to the data file

Sanna Jyllilä, Project Manager, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences

Elina Järvinen, Project Worker, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences

2c. Contact details of the Data Protection Officer

Jarmo Jaskari, Data Protection Officer, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
tel. +358 40 868 0680

3. Name of the data file

Personal data file for the newsletter Outdoors Etelä-Pohjanmaa.

4. Purpose of processing personal data/data file use

The data subjects in the file are sent news and information about events and matters related to nature tourism and its development. Newsletters on the topics of project communications, general communications, marketing and training are sent to data subjects on the list.

5. Purpose of maintaining the data file

The data subjects in the file are sent news and information about events and matters related to nature tourism and its development. Newsletters on the topics of project communications, general communications, marketing and training are sent to data subjects on the list.

5a. Data content of the file

Data subjects’ e-mail addresses are collected in the file. Data provided on a voluntary basis include first name and last name.

5b. Information systems using the data file

6. Regular sources of data

The contents of the file consist of data subjects who have registered using a form sent to them, on their request, or using the form found at https://outdoorsetelapohjanmaa.wordpress.com/.

7. Regular disclosure of data

The data in the file are not disclosed to other parties under any circumstances, nor are they used for purposes other than the Outdoors Etelä-Pohjanmaa newsletter.

8. Transfer of data outside the EU or the EEA

The file is maintained and utilised in the MailChimp service. The users’ first name, last name and e-mail address as well as the data needed to target the e-mails to user groups are transmitted to MailChimp. MailChimp is a company based in the United States, and consequently personal data are transmitted to outside of the European Union. However, the personal data are protected as required by the Personal Data Act, and MailChimp is on the list of companies certified within the Privacy Shield framework between the US and the EU. For more information, visit MailChimp website.

9. Principles of data file protection

A.      Manual material

Personal data are basically not processed manually. If it were necessary to process any data manually, documents containing personal data would be destroyed appropriately after processing.

B.      Computer-processed data

The company protects access to the MailChimp account. User rights are granted to SeAMK personnel whose duties require access to the file. MailChimp contributes to ensuring that third parties have no access to the files.